15:13:39. This is the time it took me to complete Ironman Wisconsin.
I swam 2.4 miles in 1:38:24.
I rode 112 miles (and climbed 7000 ft.) in 7:31:42.
I ran 26.2 miles in 5:46:46.
But, most important — THANKS TO MANY OF YOU — I raised $6560.80 for RACE4EARTH and The Center for Biological Diversity to help promote environmental conservation. This is a wonderful accomplishment and I am extremely grateful for your help in achieving it.
I am gratified about my Ironman finish too. It took many months of hard work to pull it off. Although,I must admit my satisfaction has been muted and overshadowed by my sincere disappointment in failing to accomplish my fundraising goal of $25,000. I am $18,439.20 short.
Who would have guessed it would be easier for me to run, bike and swim 140.6 miles than to raise money to protect endangered species and preserve our planet's natural beauty from pollution, over-development and the waste of humankind?
Perhaps my ambitions were too lofty? Perhaps I didn't work hard enough to make a compelling case? Perhaps there is someone who still hasn't taken the opportunity to contribute?
Fact is, we only have one planet and it's irreplaceable. We must take care of it. We are Earth's custodians and it's a solemn responsibility. We can't afford to take the air we breathe and the water we drink for granted. Air, water and wilderness are limited resources. When they're gone, we're gone. This is why RACE4EARTH is so important to me and why I dedicated my Ironman Wisconsin race to it.
Thankfully, it's not too late to support me in this worthy cause. You can still donate. Perhaps you can help close my fundraising gap? Perhaps you need a big tax break this year and you want to make up the difference? Whatever it is, now is time to show you care about preserving nature's beauty for future generations.
So, if you haven't yet taken the time to make your tax deductible donation - or if want to donate again - please do so by clicking here now. THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT!